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Our Story

First his bachelor's degree, then The Big Apple: ultimately leading to a series of financial downfalls, a battle with depression, and a struggle with substance abuse. Benny found himself back in his hometown of Pensacola, Florida: mentally exhausted, emotionally devastated, and financially crushed. With nowhere to go but up, he started learning the importance of time spent outdoors, of moments spent where his body, his hands and feet, could come together with the living earth - and the importance of moments of solitude. Gardening quickly became a passion - but not just any gardening, Benny had a passion for growing food. 

The pandemic (Covid-19) hit and the world felt uncertain. Nobody knew the future of the virus and the possibility of demise seemed ever so present. Benny watched the world burn and prayed for god not to let it while he continued to do his part, let that garden grow, and get some chickens to start raising his own food just in case. Somewhere in the middle of the world falling apart, Benny's mom was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's Dementia. Between the pandemic and this disease, Benny realized the necessity of his arduous journey back to Pensacola. The Universe had a plan.

In 2021, after working together in the service industry, Benny became good friends with Christian - spending many days and nights together getting to know one another, learning about each other's likes and dislikes, and figuring out their place in the crazy world. As all good love stories happen, two good friends romantically decided to tackle life together as a couple - a partnership - and so far, neither one of them have any regrets. Christian's passion for animals and his love for the living world around us abounds. Between that love for living creatures and Benny's love for Earth's beating heart, starting their homestead was a no-brainer. Now, after a couple years of hard work, dedication, research, and environmental creativity, they have officially decided to try and start supporting themselves with this crazy thing they enjoy!

Thanks for taking the time to check out our website and see what it is we're about. Never hesitate to reach out with any questions regarding native planting, food forest creation, or self-sufficiency. Follow us on Social Media for the most reliable updates!


Benjamin (Benny) Haupt


Christian Acevedo


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